
Welcome to the Internet Presence of the International Romani Media Association.

This is a membership organization for all Romani men and women of all ages who work in whatever capacity in the Romani media.

The membership is open to all of Romani ancestry who fit the criteria as being journalists in the media, whether printed media, electronic media, or other, and there is no requirement, unlike with other such like organizations, to make one's money primarily from one's journalists activities.

It is my sincere hope that the I.R.M.A. will, in due course, become as recognized a body, especially as far as Romani journalists are concerned, as is the NUJ and other such bodies.

There are no fixed membership dues to pay. All we ask from members is that they support the organizations in any way that they can. This is primarily through being honest and diligent in their work as members of the media, whether as Bloggers or in other capacities.

Michael Smith (Veshengro)

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